- FläktGroup
- Our Company
- Our Strategy & Promise
Our Strategy & Promise

We deliver Excellence in Solutions
Today we spend more than 90% of our time indoors and the air we breathe has a big impact on our performance, wellbeing and comfort. Our buildings need mechanical ventilation and air treatment to deliver safe and comfortable building spaces.
At the same time buildings account for up to 40% the energy consumption where ventilation systems play a big part. The challenge is to lower the energy consumption and here FläktGroup is one of the key drivers with more than 100 years in the industry.

Our unique market position
With our vision to be a strategic partner and our mission to provide excellent and energy efficient Indoor Air Quality solutions that bring innovation, high quality products, advanced product selection and service to our customers and society, we have earned a unique market position.
To deliver upon our promise we operate 9 Centres of Excellence, 170 dedicated engineers, 13 modern production sites, sales offices in 20 countries and a global network of long-term partners reaching +65 countries to support.
We take pride in being part of global industry organisations such as Eurovent and REHVA, as well as local organisations where we are involved in developing new standards, certification procedures and positively influencing key stake-holders together with our industry colleagues.
Our strategy in short & how we get there
- To be the preferred and trusted partner of choice, today and tomorrow.
- Cement our position as a full-scope supplier.
- Continue to grow in Compact Air Handling Units.
- Develop smart controls systems.
- Expand geographic reach and footprint.
- Reduce our environmental impact.
- Be a preferred employer of choice.
To deliver upon our ambitions and continue our successful journey we have seven focus areas that guide us in our decisions and strategies.
Corporate Stewardship
- Act and care as responsible Corporate Citizen for our people, our community and our shared environment
- Deliver sustainable solutions to help our customers to fulfil or exceed environmental demands and legislation
Enhancing & Protecting people’s health
Innovate, develop and share our knowledge to create optimal and healthy indoor air solutions and safety for people at risk
Customer Centric
Build good, long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with our key customer groups; consultants, contractors, property owners and distributors to be the preferred partner today and tomorrow
Innovative Technology
Innovate, develop and deliver products that are energy efficient, smart and high performing for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Critical Air solutions
Modern Production & Supply Chain
Using the 5S method where safety, efficiency, and quality go hand-in-hand
- Cultivate strong partnerships with material and component suppliers for a efficient and consistent quality supply chain
Our People
- We want to be a place where people are proud to work. By cementing our position as Global and Local employer of choice we aim to attract new colleagues and retain our skilled people
Shared Growth
- Strengthen our key markets with local presence and support organisation to develop new markets through our skilled people or certified Partners to build better business
- Grow faster than the industry through Value Based Selling in combination with our vast product portfolio
Behind our strategy
Meeting the requirements of today and tomorrow
Multiple trends influence our strategic decisions. FläktGroup has always aspired to foresee the patterns and behaviours of our society and customers to ensure our products and solutions match and surpass the requirements today and tomorrow.
Market dynamics
Even though countries and application areas differ there are some fundamental market dynamics influencing FläktGroup and how we develop our offering.
Urbanisation trends state that two thirds of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. The general trends show that a large portion of the increase will happen in secondary, intermediate and small cities compared to primary cities which was more the case in 1960-1980’s.
At FläktGroup we see this as a good opportunity to continue to be close to our customers and positively influence the market by introducing energy efficient and smart ventilation solutions.

Climate Change
Energy and raw material are scarce resources on our shared Globe. Energy efficiency has always been important but in the last 20 years the need for even smarter solutions has accelerated. There are many concepts to support these initiatives such as circular economy, cradle-to-cradle etc.
With the Paris Agreement signed in 2015 to achieve long-term goals to limit the rise of temperature, countries aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to achieve a climate neutral world by the mid-century. Even though we are a smallpiece in the puzzle, we strive to be an active part of the solution.
In addition to address areas of failures in the “2030 agenda” and the Paris Agreement, the United Nations have introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals to make a profound shift towards a sustainable economy. These are divided into three areas; Environmental, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) that should be achieved by 2030.
FläktGroup sees these initiatives as very important to embrace our responsibility as a good Corporate Citizen(further described in “Sustainability”).

Technology transition
FläktGroup has its origins in Northern Europe where the need for heat recovery has been a major driver in product development to lower the energy consumption. But with the climate changes the need for cooling becomes more imminent in areas that traditionally have been seen as “cold”.
Bridging energy efficient and future proof technology solutions from other industries such as reversible heat pumps, environmentally friendly refrigerants, mini air conditioning unit and more serve as inspiration to take further steps.
For FläktGroup this has already a big impact on our product development to foresee the future needs.

People’s health
In 2020 the world came to a halt after the outbreak of a virucidal decease – Covid19. We have yearly virucidal, bacterial droplet or airborne diseases that are not harmful for most people such as regular cold or seasonal flu.
Covid-19 raised the awareness of indoor air – is it dangerous? Are there solutions to minimize transmission or to clean the air from dangerous particles? Together with our industry colleagues we should educate decision makers and explain to people around us what is actually happening since “we cannot see the air”.
Indoor Air Quality does not only pertain to whether the air is harmful or not. Good indoor air supply makes people more productive, keeps pollution outside, maintains the correct humidity to prevent dry eyes and skin and facilitates a better indoor environment for people who have conditions such as asthma. FläktGroup is one of the few companies who can offer a full variety of products to provide excellent indoor environment.

Digitalisation and information technology takes quantum leaps making our society connected and always available.
For the ventilation industry this means connected products with remote monitoring, optimization and service on individual products and complete systems. The challenge is to deliver open and secure platforms that help building owners to integrate the ventilation system in the overall Building Management Systems and IT environment.
FläktGroup deliver systems that are easy to integrate making sure there are no hurdles to implement new ventilation systems or when upgrading existing solutions to achieve maximum energy efficiency and the best indoor air quality.

Macroeconomics – Improved living standards
Despite our world not always being equal, the living standard and associated expectations are increasing in many countries and regions. Energy costs, resources and availability are fluctuating. Raw material and the availability of critical component are less and less predictable. Property owners need to follow and lead the trends to offer attractive, leasable, and high-quality indoor air environment.
FläktGroup has been leading the development of products and solutions to support the ventilation industry and property owners to fulfil and exceed the market expectations.

Microeconomics – Upgrade & Renovate
For new building projects we can support the development from day one with clever and energy optimized solutions. However, a large portion of the building market consists of upgrading existing buildings where great improvement synergies can be achieved by transfering to new, connected and energy efficient products to lower the overall power consumption.
Providing service support and replacing malfunctioning parts will optimize and extend the Life Cycle of the installation. FläktGroup has a large network of service technicians and partners which compliments our offering.

Legislation & Certification
Regulatory bodies, governments, and industry organisations implement legislation and guidelines to drive improvements in the building industry in terms of sustainability, standards and innovation.
Certifications for products and building performance influence the project decisions. Examples of these are EU ErP directives, LEED, BREEAM, Eurovent.
FläktGroup welcome these initiatives as they are inline with our strategy to bring energy efficient and low Life Cycle Cost solutions to our customers.